Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Over Consumption Project.

Hey there. Our science/math class did a project on over consumption. We had to compare our data for modern day, with the data we had found of an older civilization. Each group also had to create a model displaying our information. Our group did a model based on the water consumption of a single person in Canada, and how much water they used in ten days. Since one person in Canada uses 350 Litres of water each day, and we based the model on ten days, we just had to multiply 350 by 10, and we got the final amount. It seems that on average, a single Canadian uses approximately 3500 Litres of water every ten days!

This is a picture of one of my partners and me. Ming is the girl in the Pink shirt. I'm the one in the hat. :D
This project gave us a good chance to practice and display Creativity(for making the model, and giving ideas), Critical Thinking (Thinking hard about the science and math, and scrutinizing the information we had gathered.), Math (doing the calculations, the graphs, and the charts.), Science ( The project itself, finding how much water we each use.), Social Studies ( It showed us how much we sue in this country), Social Responsibility ( Making sure that everyone had a job, that everyone was heard and had a chance to contribute to the group), and Personal Responsibility (Brining in the supplies, being on time, doing your fair share of the work, asking for help if need be).

In line wit

Friday, 1 March 2013

Hello, a little about me and school.

Hi there, this is for all that I do, whether it be in school, or on my free time. I love the arts. All of them. Writing, Painting, Sculpting, Drawing, Drama, Just creating things in general.  That's probably why I love steampunk. For those of you who may be wondering "What's steampunk?", Steampunk is a sub genre of science fiction, the industrial revolution, and the Victorian era. I will quote on of my substitute teachers on this "It's Lace meets machinery". Steampunk is very creative and very accepting, no matter who you are.

Alright, enough about the non-school part of this blog. I shall now come to the school biased part of this. Our class goes by these rubrics called the cross curricular competencies. They consist of rubrics for
Communication Skills, Creative Thinking and Innovation, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Social Responsibility, Personal  Responsibility and Well Being. I believe that these are a good idea to go by, because they push our selves to be honest about where we are in our learning, and to see what we need to improve on , and how to improve on our work.

  My goals throughout high school are goals that will be easy for me sometimes, but will feel like I'm trying to claw my way trough solid rock. These goals are to improve my dramatic skills and flare (like I need to), improve my writing and drawing,  get work with horses, riding lessons, and hopefully become and apprentice jockey.

    That's about it. If I don't stop now, I'll just talk for ever and ever and ever. Oh yeah I like using herbs to heal people. SEE!! I won't stop talking :D!!

Isn't a mermaid a fish/human hybrid? So when people went looking for people with fish tails, they could have looked for fish with human eyes?