Friday, 25 April 2014

Intrest Post: Bangladesh Factory Collapse: 1 Year Later

As many of you know, a year the Rana Plaza building  collapsed in Bangladesh that left more than 11,000 people dead, with 2,500 survivors. So far, each survivor has been paid $640 in compensation, and minimum wages for garment workers have been increased. But with labour getting pricier, will competitors look to other, more cheaper places to hire? If so, then these people working in Bangladesh will lose those jobs. The jobs that they already have now may not be very safe, or fair, but is still their way of earning a living. As pointed out in the video that I shall link below, maybe something could be worked out that will make it so that labour is even in all countries, so that no one gets taken advantage of? Or is that just an idea that may never come to pass?

Video Link