Thursday, 3 October 2013

Wasted Lives Introduction Post

Hi there, this post is about my "passion project" that I did in Humanities. It is initially a video, but due to the fact of me needing to learn how to speak up when presenting, the sound may not be very good. If you can hear it, I ask that you please close your eyes, and imagine yourself as the main character. If you can't, then I will supply a written copy as well. This story was initially written when I was in 7th grade, but after much editing and revising, two years later, this is my final copy. The reason for me writing this story, was that in 7th grade, we were studying the war in Afghanistan. We were very driven and compelled by what we learned. I tried to write the story in such a way that you are transported to another world. The country, age, gender, and name of the person are not mentioned, so that anybody can imagine themselves as the main character. This will be one of three posts. One with this (the introduction) one with the video (the initial post) and one with the written copy (in case the sound quality wasn't good). Thank you for your time ~Sylvie

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